

X.D. Tang, Z.J. Ding and Z.M. Zhang
High Pressure Studies of Acetophenone Azine
Solid State Commun. 149 (2009) 301-306.

X.D. Tang, Z.J. Ding and Z.M. Zhang
Photoluminescence Study of Nd:YVO4 under High Pressure
14th International Conference on Luminescence, China (Beijing), 2005
J. Lumin. 122-123 (2007) 66-69.

Z.P. Wang, Z.J. Ding, X.D. Tang, Z.M. Zhang and Q.R. Pu
Raman and Fluorescence Study of Trans-Azobenzene at High Pressures
J. Phys. Chem. Solids (submitted).

Rhodamine 101的高压荧光特性

Z.P. Wang, X.D Tang and Z.J. Ding
Raman and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Study of Benzoic Acid at High Pressures
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 66 (2005) 895-901.

Q.G. Zeng, Z.J. Ding, X.D. Tang and Z.M. Zhang
Pressure Effect on the Photoluminescence and Raman Spectra Study of PPV
J. Lumines. 115 (2005) 32-38.

Z.J. Ding, H.M. Li, X.D. Tang and R. Shimizu
Monte Carlo Simulation of Absolute Secondary Electron Yield of Cu
Appl. Phys. A 78 (2004) 585-587.

Z.J. Ding, X.D. Tang and H.M. Li
Monte Carlo Calculation of the Energy Distribution of Backscattered Electrons
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 16 (2002) 4405-4412.

Z.J. Ding, X.D. Tang and R. Shimizu
Monte Carlo Study of Secondary Electron Emission
J. Appl. Phys. 89 (2001) 718-726.

Z.J. Ding, H.M. Li and X.D. Tang
Calculation of Electron-Surface Inelastic Interaction Cross-Section and Monte Carlo Simulation of Surface Excitation
HPC-ASIA2000, vol 2 (IEEE computer society) 1118-1124.



Z.P. Wang, Y.F. Zhao, X.D. Tang, T.Y. Chen, Z.J. Ding and Q.R. Pu
A Raman Study of the Organic Molecular Crystal Benzalazine at High Pressure
International 10th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, China, 2003, 口头报告.

Z.J. Ding, H.M. Li, X.D. Tang
Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation Method to Surface Characterization
The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials, China, 2002, 口头报告.

Z.J. Ding, H.M. Li and X.D. Tang
Calculation of Electron-Surface Inelastic Interaction Cross-Section and Monte Carlo Simulation of Surface Excitation
4th International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia- Pacific Region, China, 2000.