
表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱 强度标的重复性和一致性
国家标准,GB/T 29558-2013 (2013.07.19发布,2014.03.01实施).

Z.M. Zhang, H.P. Mei, T. Tang and Z.J. Ding
Study of XPEEM Image for Nano Structure
International Symposium on Practical Surface Analysis--PSA-10, Korea (Gyeongju), Oct. 3-6, 2010 (oral).

Z.J. Ding, Z.M. Zhang, S.F. Mao, B. Da, R.G. Zeng, P. Zhang, H.P. Mei, Y.G. Li and H.M. Li
Theoretical Study of Electron Interaction with Solid Surface for Application to Surface Electron Spectroscopy and Microscopy
18th International Vacuum Congress--IVC-18, China (Beijing), Aug. 23-27, 2010 (invited).

H.P. Mei, Z.M. Zhang and Z.J. Ding
Monte Carlo Simulation of X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopic Image for Ag/Si Nano-Structure
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10 (2010) 7824-7828.